Our Results Make a Difference
Explore How We Have Helped Our Clients
Record-Setting $72 Million Verdict Birth Injury
The Buckingham & Vega team obtained a $72 Million verdict in a birth injury case when an OB/ GYN failed to properly monitor the mom during pregnancy.
$16 Million Truck Accident
Buckingham & Vega obtained a $16 million settlement in a truck accident case. The truck driver was speeding and inattentive (texting) and crashed into the rear of a pickup truck stopped at a stoplight.
$14 Million Dram Shop Liability
Our team obtained a $14 million dram shop verdict on behalf of a client who was injured due to negligence.
$13 Million Truck Accident
Our team secured a 13 million settlement in a truck accident case. An eighteen-wheeler made an unsafe turn in front of a car driven by a grandmother and her family. The grandmother was killed and the family suffered severe injuries.
13 Million Work Injury
Buckingham & Vega represented an oilfield worker who was killed when their company failed to properly train its employees on how to safely move waste bins. Our client was killed when he became trapped between two bins.
$12 Million Birth Injury
The attorneys at Buckingham & Vega obtained a $12 million birth injury settlement.
Motorcycle Laws in Austin, Texas
Before you mount your motorbike, or even after you’ve been in a collision on your bike, it’s important to know the state and local laws surrounding motorcycles. That way, you know that you’re following the rules while riding, and can ensure that you’re not at fault if you get into an accident. Let’s take a look at some of the most prevalent and essential motorcycle laws in Texas.
The first law you should know is whether or not you need to wear a helmet. In Texas, you must wear a helmet if you are under the age of 21. However, being over 21 isn’t the only reason you might not have to wear a helmet while riding—you also need to meet other requirements.
In order to legally not have to wear a helmet on a motorcycle, you must have taken an approved Motorcycle Operator Training Course or have medical insurance coverage of at least $10,000. Passengers must also meet these requirements.
While it’s not in the law, you should also wear eye protection and protective clothing when you’re on your motorcycle. Helmets, eye protection, and proper clothing can all keep you from sustaining more serious injuries if a crash occurs, which you never know when one might happen.
As in most states, motorcyclists are prohibited from lane splitting. This is when other traffic is stopped or stop and go, and motorcycles weave in between the stopped or slowed cars. While this can reduce the amount of rear-end collisions that motorcyclists can get into from stop and go traffic, it’s also dangerous if drivers of regular vehicles don’t see the moving bikes. That’s why it’s illegal in Texas.
If you’re still not sure about the laws you need to follow in Texas, or if you want to make sure you weren’t breaking the law at the time of your collision, you can speak with our Austin, TX motorcycle accident lawyer. We’ll be able to answer your questions and start building your case.
Common Causes of Motorcycle Wrecks in Austin
Even if you’re following the rules of the road and being safe on your motorcycle, you are still inherently more at risk in the event of an accident. One of the biggest appeals of a motorcycle is the most dangerous aspect when it comes to collisions, which is being in the open air. Regular vehicles offer the protection of having metal, windshields, and airbags, while motorcycles don’t.
That’s why motorcyclists are typically more vigilant while they’re driving. When drivers of passenger vehicles aren’t as vigilant on the road, they can cause accidents. Here are some of the most common causes of motorcycle wrecks that can happen in Austin:
- Left Turns
- Distracted Drivers
- Drunk Drivers
- Ignoring Traffic Signals and Signs
- Bad Roads
- Inexperienced Riders
- Speeding
- Riding Where Not Permitted
All of these errors can lead to a driver losing control and crashing into a motorcyclist. Once your attorney looks into the cause of your accident, they can start determining fault. This can be complicated because Texas follows a modified comparative negligence statute called proportionate responsibility. This means that your compensation will depend on how much you contributed to the accident happening.
This is why it’s so important for motorcyclists to follow the laws, pay attention to the road, and be as safe as possible while they’re riding—that way, they’re not at fault for the collision in any way and can fully recover what they’re owed. An Austin, TX motorcycle accident attorney can help you determine the cause of your wreck and who was at fault.